By Kelly Fisher
When surfing the internet, you have probably found some good and some bad websites. A good website feels clean and meticulously organized, while others feel cluttered and hard to navigate.
The most important thing while creating your website’s navigation menu, is to make it user-friendly. Here are the best practices to use while creating your navigation menu:
Limit the number of menu tabs displayed in the top navigation
Header menus should be simple and easy for people to see. By putting fewer words in your header you are creating simple menu navigation for your users. The ideal amount of menu tabs on a website is seven, but it really depends on the length of these menu items and other variables. In general, less is more when it comes to your website’s main navigation.
Take mobile users into consideration
With as many smartphone users as the world has, it is important to have a mobile-friendly version of your website. This means your navigation menu will need to be formatted for mobile users as well. As long as your navigation menu is accessible and doesn’t cover too much of the screen when not in use, you should be golden! While creating your website, be sure to test on a mobile device at the same time.
Take away/Put in items that are popular/Unpopular
A good trick is to keep track of your website’s traffic and analytics data. Putting main pages in your header can help fix up your menu navigation and redirect traffic on your website. Removing or renaming menu tabs that have little to no click engagement will make better navigation for your users.
Use a Call-To-Action (CTA) button in your navigation
Most websites have a CTA button to help catch people’s attention. For example, a mobile version of your website might have a CTA button that calls the company when you click it. Adding a button with a bright color or a fun font can do wonders!
Business owners often get overwhelmed by the variety of style options available while designing a website. Here at Surf Your Name, our team of web developers can build the perfect website for your business to fit all your needs. Our experienced team is able to include your design ideas while keeping the core of the website professionally made with your customers in mind. Give us a call today at 515-493-2489 to find out how we can help get you the website your business deserves!