Do you ever walk into a store and think “WOW! This place hasn’t changed in years”? It leaves you with a feeling that perhaps the business hasn’t kept up with the times, which can be a huge red flag for shoppers. Now, think about your website. Would it spark the same concern in your visitors and scare them away before they become paying customers? Even if someone isn’t tech-savvy, they know an outdated site when they see it.
We’ve compiled a list of the 5 most common signs that your website needs to be redesigned. If your site fits any of this criteria, it’s time to upgrade because you could be losing customers!
When was the last time that you redesigned your website? We’re not talking about updating the content, but changing the whole look and feel of the entire site. In the digital world, trends come and go pretty quickly, and as web designers… we’re on top of all of those changes. So, if it’s been longer than 18 months, your website is probably a little outdated. People get accustomed to seeing newer types of sites, and if yours hasn’t kept up, you’re probably losing clients to companies with a more appealing website design. It shows that you’re not trying to keep up with the times. Plus, with an outdated website… you may also be losing search engine rank and position (more on that later).
Older websites are notoriously tough to use because their navigation isn’t intuitive and doesn’t translate across multiple devices. A site that’s difficult to use isn’t going to encourage people to stick around, and the faster your visitors leave… the less likely they are to spend money with your company. Instead, they’ll go somewhere else to find what they need. At Surf Your Name, we offer free website performance reviews, so we’ll be able to tell you if your navigation is confusing to your visitors and we’ll devise a plan to increase the functionality and user-friendliness of your website.
Hey, we’re all guilty of having incredibly short attention spans, which is the reason we’re so quick to leave a site with a long loading time. Ten seconds is just too long to wait in this day and age so if it takes more than a few seconds for your pages to load, there’s a serious problem. Your website may not need a total face-lift, but something is definitely wrong — and it’s holding your business back and frustrate your customers. Our web development experts can determine why your website isn’t loading as quickly as it should, then we’ll work with you to fix it!
Every time you look at your website, you wish that you could change it. It’s that nagging thing constantly in the back of your head. You know that it doesn’t represent your business and the reputation you’ve worked so hard to upkeep. No to mention, you find yourself apologizing and making excuses to potential customers about the look and outdated navigation. You should be proud to send customers to your website. If you’re embarrassed instead, it’s time for a change.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the name of the game in todays world. If your website isn’t ranking on the first page of Google, you’re not getting the kind of traffic necessary to run a successful business. Not to mention, search engines really don’t favor websites that are outdated or rarely upkept. If you’re not getting any kind of SEO movement from your website, you can’t remain competitive in your industry and you’re losing clients to better performing websites. We have talented SEO experts on staff who can increase your standing with Google and other search engines.
Does any of this sound familiar? If so, it is definitely time to revamp your website. You owe it to yourself, your business, and your customers to have a beautiful, modern website. Your website should be a hub of accurate and well-organized information and its number one job is to convert your visitors into paying customers. At Surf Your Name, web design and development is our passion. We offer FREE website performance reviews so that you’ll know exactly what needs to be done to increase your site’s impact. Give us a call today at 910-452-6345.